Brandie Kristle is a life long energy intuitive with gifts ranging from the refined use of the “clairs” to being able to shift the crystalline matrix with her mental fortitude & intention.

She became clairaudient with the ability to “hear” Spirit in her teens. Then, became skilled at ‘reading’ the bio-field through medical intuitive means, an ‘inner sight’ and ‘feeling’ with “clairsentience”

The Body Oracle…


is learning to divine your own light & information from the sacred connection to nature and spirit that you’ve always had. Brandie is a heart centered teacher, practitioner and qualified guide through these transitional times. Reach out when you feel called to receive a session, book an intuitive reading, and/or request alchemical mentoring.

My mission includes liberating and empowering my students through alchemical mentoring programs, certified professional trainings, & energetic support with my co-creative team, universal intelligence. We are providing dynamic experiences for true vibrancy, a radiant expression to enhance spiritual growth and conscious evolution while allowing the planetary transformation to occur.

By restoring the Body~Mind~Spirit to a more balanced/cohesive state. Soulful embodiment to enliven it's innate ability to regenerate & heal naturally.

To flourish in the fertile soils of Body/Soul...

Holistic Life Coaching & Experiential Intuitive Tracking Expert.

Perfect Health & Well-Being…


Through mastering kinesiology & working with the intelligence in Nature co-creatively, Brandie facilitates classes both in-person and online for over ten years while delivering messages of empowerment to a local and an international clientele.

She is always grateful, and gives credit where due to her ancestors, guides, and teachers for bringing the wisdom teachings within reach so that her life’s work may be fulfilled. As well as her mission and greatest purpose in this embodiment.

Are you ready to regenerate & heal naturally?