Thank You!

‘‘This is an amazing experience. The sound hit me to the core, and I'll be processing the healing for days to come. These two are creating something incredible, right here in BERGEN NY. Authentic, accessible, and awesome.’’ Colleen Clarke

“Brandie is amazing, enlightened, & gifted!”

Just being in her presence will lift your spirit! I had a healing that cleared out "stuff" I didn't know I had, but BOY did I FEEL it! Her classes are amazing and generate beautiful energy. The way Brandie is guided is beautiful! During our Intro to Energy Medicine class she shared a personal story that resonated strongly with me and actually helped release a mental block I was having myself.

I experienced a great shift! Thank you, Brandie for being the light!!

— Molly George, Teacher, Energy Practitioner & Coach

I had a session with the amazing Brandie.”

Thank you, It was done in a coning with both of our MAP teams present. Prior to this she'd shifted a lot of essences to me, and also did so during the session. I've had a bunch of energy work done on me over the years, none has been this powerful and healing! Thank you, Brandie!

— Meenakshi Prabhakar, Physical Therapist

“Thank you so very much for the beautiful healing!”

After a few moments of being connected with you I could definitely tell the difference. I felt it pull my spine upright and place me in a state of peace and bliss. I have felt this sensation with you before, but during this healing I felt as if the top of my head opened like a flower and there were moments when I felt a beam of energy go through my head and straight down, thoroughly surrounding my spine. This healing was far more physically intense for me this time around, and I was physically farther from you than I have been before. I love that this transcends time and space.

Your gift is truly incredible and has definitely grown into its own so much since I met you. It was a wonderful and enjoyable experience! My arm is so much better! It's slightly stiffer and clicks once in a while but the shooting pains have stopped. No more numbness in my hand and I am able to use it with my left to pick small things up and move things. Days before I couldn't wash my dishes or cut food for dinner. The difference is amazing! And my gratitude for your help in healing me is immense! Thank you so much! Being able to draw yesterday, even though I had to take breaks, felt like I had my purpose back! So much gratitude for everything!

— Brandi B. Artist & Designer

I have only had the pleasure of getting to know Brandie the last couple of years.”

She is a very special person with energetic and healing abilities that are beyond anything I have experienced. Her presence is truly captivating. Her work has touched my family in many ways and leaves a lasting peace. I recommend any of Brandie’s services to anyone. No matter if you would like a better understanding of yourself and your abilities, help with your surroundings or aid in a physical, emotional or spiritual way. She is extremely professional and thorough with her work. She will not only help you, but she will spend endless hours prepping and working on you or for you. Simply amazing! Brandie, there are just not enough beautiful words to describe how wonderful and gifted you are!! Xoxo

— Stephanie Krebs, Holistic Practitioner

“I am so grateful to have received an energetic healing and calibration from Brandie.”

It was absolutely perfect timing, because when I received this there were some challenging situations occurring around me. Instead of worrying about them I actually felt immense love and compassion emanating from my body and a huge sense of peacefulness towards things that would have normally made me feel anxiousness.

I feel like I was able to reconnect more deeply with my higher self and see the world and everyone with such enormous love. I had an absolutely beautiful day, and I know this energy has enabled me to dwell in a higher frequency magnifying my ability to manifest, and allowing me to connect on a deeper 'soul to soul' level with others. I am so appreciative that I experienced your beautiful healing gifts Brandie; your loving magical spirit is so inspiring, and I'm so excited for all the beautiful and powerful things that you are creating."

— Jodi Piotrowski, Life Coach & Writer

“I have known Brandie for over a year now.”

She has such a kind heart and is willing to help any way possible. Her sound healing and meditations are awesome! I always leave grounded and have a sense of peace and calmness. She has been helping me with childhood trauma, for that alone I am grateful!

— Monica Finnigan, Preschool Teacher

“Brandie is a genuine, beautiful healer that gives so much of herself to others.”

Each time I’ve been in contact with Brandie, I have walked away feeling inspired, grounded and enlightened. Brandie is a wealth of knowledge and is very generous with her time, she is selfless. She makes a difference in the lives of others and has helped me to reach my own personal truths. What Brandie offers is what everyone has been waiting for, what we all need to learn and understand

— Jamie Beth, Nurse

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Client Praise & Co-Creative Team

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Brandie Kristle Furniss

Co-Creative Energy Medicine


I have been working to promote a deep sense of wellbeing in a healing environment through my professional sacred heart/soul work in the last eight years. I've been an organic gardener since 2005 with a lifetime background experienced in learning about nature’s intelligence, culinary herbalism, psychic mediumship, and my rapid evolutionary growth began in 2012 when I dove into learning energy medicine full time.

More about the modalities that would serve my physical, emotional, mental embodiment, as well as my spiritual growth as a human being began to unfold as I studied with highly evolved beings. I began studying and reading about advanced metaphysics around age ten, from a book on telepathy & ESP to Alchemy & Astrology.

My training has led me to conservation of natural resources, early childhood education, human services, the fine arts & sciences. In my teens/twenties, I developed clairaudient + mediumship skills that have allowed me to make an impact in being able to assist, and guide the people that are drawn & connected to my heart's work.

Emotional alchemy began to unfold, I have been able to repattern my thoughts, and life to sustain my vision for the future generations. My intention to assist with the healing of ancestral, and generational traumas is bringing the most amazing individuals; a real team effort into this co-creation.

My deep respect, and persistence allowed me to be initiated in to the lineages of healing that would eventually serve my family, friends, and now international clientele. I've been leading women's healing circles since 2013 with presence, and urgency to bring a vast multitude of people together to clear, connect, and unify consciously.

I've been interviewed, recorded, and look forward to being able to collaborate with beautiful souls all around the world. My interests involve integrating sound, light, and energy as medicine. Practical herbalism, flower essences for vibrational remedies, and solutions. Sound healing frequencies & vibrations from instruments, voice, and nature that resonate in coherency with the global heart.

It is in my realm of expertise to co-create dynamic events, seminars, online courses, training & certificate programs.

September 2020.


My Team

Nature & Universal Intelligence

When I was a child, I would sit under the trees and commune with nature, the spirits within and around the trees, the stream of flowing waters, the frogs and pollywogs, the twinkling stars and far off galaxies. I would wish on those shooting through the sky and stare at the moon with my starry eyes.

As I began to age, mature, and step into my unique gifts, abilities & embodiment, it became clear to me that I was never alone. That I have a connection to the supreme, the divine, and the Universe through which we are all sourced from. As early as I could remember, I enjoyed looking at stained glass in the temples, pictures and statues of the angels & saints. I’ve come to know living masters, having been blessed by the relics of the Buddha, and ascended beings, ordained minister in The Order of Melchizedek, initiated by the Great Mother Goddess, immersed in Christ Consciousness while being touched by Kin and kind in synchronized communion with ‘multidimensional beings of light of the highest frequency’

In 2012, I met another alchemist that was talking to me about her team of guides and how they assist her in her healing and energy work. I decided to ask eloquently if I too, have a team.

She said, yes, and showed me a book by Machaelle Small Wright with silver lettering on a dark blue background. It read MAP for “Medical Assistance Program” and from there, I began to work with my own team in the WB. Shortly after that, I was ordained and entered my own rites of passage. To be a facilitator, a medium, and a clear channel of the holy divine love incarnate.

Many more teachers and guides began to show up in my life, both in flesh and in Spirit. I am humbled and grateful to continue to share these languages of Light that flow to me and through me as I am here to anchor an expanded Consciousness system within & around the planetary grid systems. As a change agent, my team consists of beings of advanced evolutionary heart coherence and Universal Consciousness that lives, breaths, and acts as us, as well as through us. After much devout soul searching, I realized that I am a co-creator with the Divine. We are a part of us in the seen and unseen realms.

A perfect marriage & Sacred Union between



In the Unified Field in which we are One Love Eternal.

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